California Society Riverside CA Chapter
Notable SAR Members
Of the Presidents of the United States who lived since the founding of the organization-Sons of the American Revolution in 1889 there are seventeen (17) presidents that have been members of NSSAR and four (4) additional whose ancestry can be traced back to the Revolutionary War and chose not to join the organization.
President Term of Office
Ulysse S. Grant 18th President
Rutherford B. Hayes 19th President
Benjamin Harrison 23rd President
William McKinley 25th President
William Howard Taft 27th President
Warren G. Harding 29th President
Calvin Coolidge 30th President
Herbert Hoover 31st President
Franklin D. Roosevelt 32nd President
Harry S. Truman 33rd President
Dwight D. Eisenhower 34th President
Lyndon B. Johnson 36th President
Gerald D. "Jerry" Ford 38th President
James Earl "Jimmy" Carter 39th President
George H. W. Bush 41st President
George W. Bush 43 rd President
Grover Cleveland, Richard Nixon, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama all had an ancestor which could be traced to the American Revolution. The only Presidents of the United States which did not have ancestry that could be traced back to the American Revolution since the founding of NSSAR are: Woodrow Wilson, John F. Kennedy, Ronald Regan and Donald Trump.
It should be remembered that there are many other POTHUS that have linage to the American Revolution, however these presidents were in office prior to the founding of SAR in 1889.
Foreign National Leaders
His Royal Majesty Juan Carlos I of Spain
Sir Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Angier Biddle Duke-Ambassador to Denmark
David J. Hill-Ambassador to Germany
John Langeloth Loeb Jr.-Ambassador to Denmark
Horace Porter-Ambassador to France
Henry L. Wilson-Diplomat and Ambassador to Mexico 1990-2013
Supreme Court Justices
William Howard Taft, Chief Justice
Daniel J. Brewer, Associate Justice
There have been 24 United States Senators, ten U.S. House of Representatives, thirty State Governors, multiple military and navel officers, Vice Presidents, and Nobel Peace Prize Recipients that have all belonged to the Sons of the American Revolution.
The National Society, Sons of the American Revolution, founded on April 30, 1876 has members in the United States, Canada, France, Germany, Mexico, Spain, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. The National Headquarters are located in Louisville, Kentucky. The National Society is a congressionally chartered, non-profit 501 (c) (3) corporation. The Society has chapters in all 50 states with over 550 chapters domestically and internationally. The SAR was formally granted its congressional charter by an act of Congress under Title 36 of the United States Code on June 9, 1906 and signed by President Theodore Roosevelt, who was a member at the time.