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Riverside CA Chapter By-Laws


                                                                                    OF THE

                                                 RIVERSIDE CHAPTER OF THE CALIFORNIA SOCIETY OF THE 

                                                             SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION



Article I. Name and Authority


The name of this organization shall be The Riverside Chapter of the California Society of the Sons of the American Revolution. The Chapter was granted its charter by the California Society on December 13, 1943. The Bylaws of the Riverside Chapter shall regulate all matters pertaining to its own affairs, subject to the provisions of the constitution and bylaws of the California State and National Societies, Sons of the American Revolution.


Article II. Purpose and Objectives


The purpose of this chapter shall be to promote the objectives of the National Society herein referred to as the National Society or NSSAR. The objectives are declared to be patriotic, historical, and educational, and shall include those intended or designed to perpetuate the memory of those patriots who, by their services or sacrifices during the war of the American Revolution, achieved the independence of the American people; to unite and promote fellowship among their descendants; to inspire them and the community-at-large with a more profound reverence for the principles of the government founded by our forefathers; to encourage historical research in relation to the American Revolution; to acquire and preserve the records of the individual services of the patriots of the war, as well as documents, relics, and landmarks; to mark the scenes of the Revolution by appropriate memorials; to celebrate the anniversaries of the prominent events of the war and of the Revolutionary period; to foster true patriotism; to maintain and extend the institutions of American freedom and to carry out the purposes expressed in the preamble of the Constitution of our country and the injunctions of Washington in his farewell address to the American people.


Article III. Membership


Section 1. Membership Eligibility and Admission


Any male shall be eligible for membership in the Society being a citizen of good repute in the community, is the lineal descendant of an ancestor who was at all times unfailing in loyalty to, and rendered active service in the cause of American Independence either as an officer, soldier, seaman, marine, militiaman or minuteman, in the armed forces of the Continental Congress of any one of the several Colonies or States, as a signer of the Declaration of Independence, as a member of a Committee of Safety or Correspondence, as a member of any Continental, Provincial, or Colonial Congress or Legislature, as a foreign national of, but not limited to, France, Germany, Poland, Spain, Sweden or Switzerland who rendered service in the cause of American Independence or as a recognized patriot who performed actual service by overt acts of resistance to the authority of Great Britain, provided, however, that no person advocating the overthrow of the Government of the United States by use of force or violence shall be eligible for membership in the Society.


Section 2. Dues


The Board of Directors will set the amount of Chapter dues, and may waive the Chapter dues of a member for good cause and request any applicable CASSAR and NSSAR exemption. Members forfeit the status of member in good standing when their dues are delinquent after December 31.





Section 3. Membership


The categories of membership will be: 


  1. Regular or Regular Life Member shall be any member of the age of eighteen years and over, who meets all the requirements for membership as defined in the Constitution and the Bylaws of the National Society.


  1. Emeritus Member is a member who has paid dues to the NSSAR for Fifty Years and is exempt from paying all additional NSSAR, CASSAR, and Chapter dues.


  1. Junior Member is a male under the age of eighteen years who has met the membership requirements of the Sons of the American Revolution. A Junior Member cannot vote or receive The SAR Magazine until he attains the age of eighteen years.


  1. Memorial Membership for a deceased male of the same family as current members, whose application has been submitted and approved in accordance with the Bylaws of the National Society.


  1. Dual Member is a member who pays state and chapter dues to another state society or is a CASSAR Society member that belongs to another chapter and has paid dues to the Riverside Chapter-the member shall not be a voting member and shall not appear on the NASSAR Roster as an official member of the chapter.


  1. Associate is an individual who does not meet eligibility requirements for regular membership that wishes to regularly attend meetings and actively participate in SAR functions as voted by the Board of Directors.


Article IV. Officers


Section 1. Officers and Duties


The Officers of this Society shall be a President, a First Vice-President-Membership, Second Vice President-Program, Secretary, Treasurer, and Registrar. Appointed Officers shall be Chaplain, Historian, Color Guard Commander, and others, as voted by the Board of Directors. Appointive officers will be designated by the President, subject to approval by the general membership at the December meeting.


The Officers Duties shall include:


  1. President shall preside at all meetings of the Chapter and of the Board of Directors and have a casting vote. He shall exercise the usual functions of a presiding officer, and shall enforce strict observance of the NSSAR, CASSAR, and Chapter bylaws. He shall appoint all committees not otherwise provided for, and shall be an ex-officio member of all committees.  In the absence of the President at any meeting or his incapacity to continue in service f or any reason, his duties shall be assumed by other officers in the following order: 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President or such other person as designated by the Board of Directors. He shall be a co-signer on Chapter bank accounts. He shall attend the CASSAR Annual Meeting, Fall Board of Managers Meeting, and such other CASSAR meetings as specified in the CASSAR Bylaws.


  1. First Vice-President shall serve as an alternate if the President is unable to attend CASSAR Meetings, He shall assist the President in recruiting members to serve on committees. He shall be responsible for the recruitment and retention of members. He shall be a co-signer on Chapter bank accounts. He shall function in the absence of the President, or upon the President’s inability to act, and shall perform such duties as may be specifically assigned to him. In the absence of the President, attend the CASSAR Annual Meeting and the Fall Board of Managers Meeting. The First Vice-President is next in line for succession to the office of President.


  1. Second Vice-President shall function in the absence, or inability to act, of both the President and First Vice-President. He shall be chairman of the Program Committee and responsible for regular meeting speakers, programs, decorations, menus, etc. He shall perform such other duties as may be specifically assigned to him by the President.  The Second Vice-President is second in line for succession to the office of President.

  2. Secretary shall conduct the general correspondence of the Chapter and such other matters as may be directed by the President. He shall have charge of the Chapter charter, bylaws, records, and handbook. The Secretary of the Chapter will be responsible for maintaining all records, including the minutes of the Board of Directors and Regular meetings. He, together with the presiding officer, shall certify all acts of the Chapter, including lists of delegates to CASSAR and NSSAR meetings, establish a quorum at meetings of the Board of Directors, and annual Chapter meetings, maintain Chapter Reconciliation Reports, and Chapter Handbook. He shall keep accurate records of all memberships, proceedings, and orders of the Chapter, and shall give notice to the officers of all votes, orders, resolves, and proceedings of the Chapter affecting them or appertaining to their respective duties, and any other administrative responsibilities requested by the Board.


  1. Treasurer will maintain records of all financial transactions of the Chapter, including receipts and expenditures on behalf of the Chapter. He shall collect and keep the general operating funds of the chapter. Funds shall be deposited in a banking institution approved by the Board of Directors. He shall expend Chapter funds only as directed by the Board of Directors through the adoption of a budget or by specific direction of the Board of Directors for a particular item. Payments for unbudgeted expenditures shall be pre-approved by the Board of Directors. Audits of the Treasurer's account will be at the direction of the Board of Directors. He shall collect and record each member's paid dues on the forms provided by the CASSAR secretary.  He shall collect and record dues for reinstated and life membership payments and coordinate their transmittal to the CASSAR secretary with the chapter secretary. He shall be a signer on Chapter bank accounts and maintain a record of all Chapter funds and assets. He shall serve as a member of the finance committee. He shall allow the audit committee to examine the Chapter accounts. He shall submit a monthly income and expense report to the Board of Directors. Shall file the following reports 990, RRF-1, and FTB-199N annually, and other reports as requested by CASSAR. He may be bonded at the discretion of the Board of Directors.


  1. Registrar shall examine all applications for membership in NSSAR for completeness. He may assist compatriots with supplemental applications in the same manner as regular applications. If the application is found by the registrar to be incomplete, he shall bring the deficiency to the attention of the applicant. He shall forward to the CASSAR registrar all applications for membership found to be complete, together with fees and dues as required, and shall maintain file copies of all applications submitted to the CASSAR registrar.


  1. Chaplain shall lead an invocation and benediction at the beginning and close of each Chapter meeting.  He may be assigned such other duties by the President that will improve the spiritual well-being of the Chapter members, such as sending cards, and/or visiting ill or injured members.


  1. Historian shall obtain and preserve material relating to the history of the Chapter and membership, including but not limited to original Charter, news clippings, records of historical and commemorative meetings, minutes of meetings, and names of officers. He shall organize the historical records of the Chapter as requested by CASSAR or NSSAR. He shall supervise the preparation and printing of any society historical publications, other than those of membership rolls, which may be authorized by the Board of Directors.


  1. Color Guard Commander shall be responsible for the safety, training, scheduling, outfitting, recruitment, and retention of all members. He is also responsible for generating invoices, proposals, certificates of insurance and certificates of additionally insured for future activities. He shall safeguard Chapter owned color guard equipment and supplies, maintain and update an annual calendar of color guard events. He shall maintain a log of Chapter members who have completed BSA Youth Protection Training and produce reports to State and National Color Guard Commanders as necessary.


Section 2. Officer Nomination and Election


The election is held at the annual meeting in December. A nominating Committee consisting of past presidents of the chapter will present a slate of Officers at the regular meeting in November. The membership shall be informed of this slate via e-mail and newsletter prior to the December meeting. At the December meeting nominations from the floor shall be entertained if consent of the nominee has been obtained. The affirmative vote of a majority of those present and having voting power will be necessary for candidates nominated for election to office.



Section 3. Service


All officers will serve in their respective offices for a period of one year or until their successors are elected. The term of office shall begin at the close of the meeting at which they are installed. No member of the Chapter shall, in good conscience, accept election or appointment to any office unless he is willing, able, and prepared to devote the necessary time to the faithful discharge of his duties. Officers may be removed from office at the pleasure of the membership as provided in the parliamentary authority.


Section 4. Office Holding Limitations


No member shall hold more than one elected office at a time.


Article V. Meetings


Section 1. Regular Meetings


The regular meetings of the chapter shall be held monthly, September to June inclusive unless otherwise ordered by the chapter or Board of Directors. Notice of regular meetings will be e-mailed within 3 days of such meetings, and posted on the Chapter website. The location for regular meetings will be determined by the Board of Directors.


Section 2. Annual Meeting


The regular meeting in December shall be known as the annual meeting and shall be for the purpose of electing officers, receiving reports of officers and committees, presenting awards, and for other business that may arise. All members in good standing will be eligible to cast votes for the annual election of Officers of the Chapter.


Section 3. Special Meeting(s)


Special meetings may be called by the President or by the Board of Directors, and shall be called upon the written request of ten members of the chapter. The purpose of the meeting, time, and location shall be stated in the notice, which shall be sent to all members at least three days before the meeting. No business shall be transacted at any special meeting except for the express purpose for which the meeting is called, and which is specified in the written notice.


Section 4. Quorum


The quorum necessary to transact business at a regular meeting is Ten (10) members in good standing. The quorum needed to transact business at a Board of Directors meeting is Five (5) Elected and Appointed Officers.


Section 5. Location


The time, date, and location for regular meetings will be determined by the Board of Directors. The President of the Chapter will determine the place and time for meetings of the Board.


Section 6. Displays


The Flag of the United States of America, and the SAR Flag will be proudly displayed at all regular Chapter meetings. A designated area with limited table space for approved handout materials, activity flyers, and speaker provided books, CD’s, DVD’s, etc. shall be made available upon request.


Section 7. Order of business at Regular meetings


[l] Call to order by the President;

[2] Invocation;

[3] Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag;

[4] Pledge to the SAR;

[5] Approval of Minutes;

[6] Reports of officers;

[7] Reports of Committees;

[8] Correspondence;

[9] Old and/or unfinished business;

[10] New business;

[11] Program, when applicable;

[12] Nomination, election, and installation of officers for the ensuing year, when applicable;

[13] Benediction;

[14] Adjournment.


Section 8. Circulation and Solicitation


Circulation, distribution, or display of advertising, or solicitation at any meeting for any project, product, group, or enterprise, commercial or otherwise is prohibited unless prior approval of the Board of Directors has been obtained.


Article VI. Board of Directors


Section 1. Board Composition


Membership on the Board will consist of current elected officers, appointed officers, and the Past Presidents of the Chapter.


Section 2. Board Duties and Powers


The Board of Directors shall have general supervision of the affairs of the Chapter between its business meetings.


Section 3. Board Meetings


The Board of Directors will schedule periodic meetings throughout the year. Board of Directors meetings will be held not less than once (1) each calendar year. Guests will be permitted attendance at any of these meetings.


Article VII. Committees


Ad hoc committees may be appointed by the President and/or Board of Directors. Such committees may include, but are not limited to, those for auditing, nominating, medals & awards, publicity, observance of patriotic events, and budget & planning, education, 4th Connecticut Regiment & Color Guard, Ladies Chapter Auxiliary, patriotic events, etc.


Article VIII. Parliamentary Authority


The rules set forth in the most current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised shall govern the chapter in which they applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these Bylaws, the Bylaws of the State or National Society, the Articles of Incorporation of the State or National Society and any special rules of order the National or California Society may adopt.


Article IX. Amendments


The Bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting of the chapter in which a quorum is present by a two-thirds vote of the members present, provided that the proposed amendments have been submitted to the membership in writing at the previous meeting.


History of Amendments:

General Revision  March 21, 2017

Art. 3 a. of the Bylaws revised Nov. 15, 2016

Art. 3 a. and 3 c. of the Bylaws revised 2001

Art. 3 a. and 4 a. of the Bylaws revised 1998

Art. 4 c. of the Bylaws revised Oct. 13, 1987

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