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California Society Riverside CA Chapter
Elementary and High School Programs:
Knight Essay Contest: Chairman Patrick Cecil
Elementary Americanism School Poster Contest: Chairman David A. Gilliard
Middle School Brochure Contest: Chairman Kevin Tierney
High School Oration Contest: Chairman John Ferris
Scouting Programs: Chairman Bill Nay
Eagle Scout Certificate of Recognition
Arthur M. & Berdena King Eagle Scout Award
Robert E. Burt Boy Scout Volunteer Award
ROTC/JROTC Programs:
JROTC/ ROTC Recognition Program Chairman: Brandon Villardi
Enhanced JROTC Program Chairman: Brandon Villardi
Navy Sea Cadet Corps / Navy League Cadet Corps Program Chairman Bill Nay
Veterans Recognition: Co-Chairmen Linn Malaznik and Bob Stephan.
Veterans who have served honorably in a branch of the US Military can apply for membership in the SAR Veterans Corps and receive a Certificate of Patriotism signed by the SAR President General, memorializing their service to the United States.
Flag Certificate Program: Co-Chairmen Jim Klingler and William Van Valkenburg
Chapters can award SAR flag certificates to individuals or groups in their communities who properly display the U.S. Flag. If over 50% of the state society’s chapters present these certificates, they will receive the Admiral Furlong Award.
Valley Forge Teacher Recognition Program: Chairman: Robert “Bob” Taylor
This is a CASSAR Program that sponsors two elementary or high school teachers per year to attend a weeklong series of workshops and tours of historical sites. Chapters can nominate candidates for this program.
Spirit of America Award. Chairman: Robert “Bob” Taylor
The Spirit of America Award involves working with officials of a middle or high school district to select and award two young people (one boy and one girl) from the graduating class in each school to receive a good citizenship certificate and pin. One boy and one girl is selected by the school district from the school winners to receive the school district award of the SAR Bronze Good Citizenship Medal and Certificate. Awards are presented by SAR members at each school’s graduating ceremonies.
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